Grangers is a British brand dedicated to protecting you against the elements and have been since 1937. With a passion for the outdoors and the unpredictability of British weather, they love nothing more than defying the elements and being able to make any adventure possible. We serve their products officially in Australia.
Their products are made with the highest-quality materials and are rigorously tested to ensure they meet the demands of outdoor enthusiasts of all levels. Their range of cleaners and waterproofing sprays are specially designed to protect outdoor gear and clothing from the elements, while their other accessories, such as boot bags and travel towels, provide convenience and practicality for any outdoor adventure.
At our e-commerce store, we are committed to providing our customers with access to the best outdoor gear and equipment, including products from the Grangers brand in Australia. We carefully curate our selection to ensure we offer only the highest-quality products that meet the needs and expectations of outdoor enthusiasts. Shop with the most trusted survival supplies in Australia today and discover why Grangers is a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts around the world.
Tent + Gear Repel
A Spray on waterproofing treatment designed to protect all outdoor gear and equipment. Adds water repellency to all fabrics