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Discover premium-quality outdoor gear from Vanquest at Australian Preparedness. Our selection includes backpacks, zipper pulls, bottle holders, first aid kits, maximizers, and more, all designed with durability and versatility in mind. Made with tough materials like Cordura, Vanquest products are built to withstand even the harshest outdoor conditions. Stay prepared and stay safe with Vanquest. Shop now and take on any adventure with confidence!
Australian Preparedness provides only the best hand-picked survival and prepper gear. If you think we are missing something great, we’d love to hear from you!
With that said, Australian Preparedness is new! We are newly established – in fact, we started planning this startup just before the Coronavirus pandemic hit! We then saw firsthand how many in our local community could not even get a hold of the basics from the supermarket. That confirmed to us that we were on the right path!
We believe in honesty, integrity, and hard work. We welcome you to reach out to us for any queries you might have. And we’ll do our best for you! Get your products from our shop. We provide the best and most authentic products from Vanquest.
EDCM-HUSKY 2.0 Maximiser
Vanquest’s popular, hard wearing medium sized organiser.
$66.95EDCM-HUGE 2.0 EDC Maximiser
EDCM-HUGE is the largest in the Everyday Carry Maximiser series.
$73.2012.5cm MOLLE STICKS (4-Pack)
MOLLE Sticks let you quickly attach a MOLLE pouch onto PALS webbing in seconds.
$33.95FTIM: Fast-Totally-Integrated-Maximiser (Gen 2, Size 2: 6×9″)
Vanquest’s evolved organiser pouch that offers lightning-fast pull-down access and gear-taming organisation. It is a hybrid of the PPM, EDCM & FATPack Series.
$71.95EDCM-SLIM 2.0: EDC Maximiser Organiser
EDCM-SLIM is the smallest of Vanquests Everyday Carry Maximizer.
$61.20PPM-HUSKY 2.0: Personal Pocket Maximiser
PPM-HUSKY is the larger of the Personal Pocket Maximizer Series (The PPM series is smaller and lighter than the EDCM series)
$48.95FTIM: Fast-Totally-Integrated-Maximiser (Gen 2, Size 1: 5×7″)
Vanquest’s evolved organiser pouch that offers lightning-fast pull-down access and gear-taming organisation. It is a hybrid of the PPM, EDCM & FATPack Series.
$62.95HYDRA Bottle Holder
A lightweight water bottle holder that attaches to MOLLE / PALS webbing to hold bottles from 500 ml to 2000 ml.
$47.95FATPack-2: First Aid Trauma Pack – Size 2 (5×8 Inch)
Medical pack that offers volume-maximising storage, and instant accessibility.
$82.95PPM-SLIM 2.0: Personal Pocket Maximiser Organiser
PPM-SLIM is the smallest of the Personal Pocket Maximizer Series (The PPM series is smaller and lighter than the EDCM series)
$44.95FATPack-2: First Aid Trauma Pack – Size 3 (7×10 Inch)
Medical pack that offers volume-maximising storage, and instant accessibility.
$94.95FATPack-2: First Aid Trauma Pack – Size 1 (4×6 Inch)
Medical pack that offers volume-maximising storage, and instant accessibility.